The La Spaziale S1 Mini Vivaldi 2 Home Barista Espresso Machine


The La Spaziale S1 Mini Vivaldi 2, is basically the home use, tank fed vibration pump version of the S1 Vivaldi 2, one group commercial espresso machine.

Other than the smaller steam boiler (1.2L vs 2.5K), and the vibe pump vs rotary pump (which also means the Mini is tank fed while the standard version can be plumbed in), they're the same, very capable & compact commercial grade espresso machine.

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If you're looking for a very capable dual boiler espresso machine, for pulling consistent back to back shots and with the steam power to easily and quickly create perfectly textured milk, the Mini Vivaldi 2 is a machine that I think should be on  your shortlist.

In my opinion, this is one of the most under rated home espresso machines on the market. 


• 450ml Brew Boiler
1.2L Steam Boiler
• Volumetric Shot Buttons
• Adjustable Brew Temperature from 91 to 97°C 
• Dedicated Hot Water Tap 
• Dimensions of 42cm wide, 41.5cm deep, 39cm tall 
•  Lever Activated Steam Wand 

•  3L Water Tank Fault Diagnosis Alarm 
• Economy Mode 

If you're wanting classic, commercial style espresso, and by that I mean the kind of espresso you'd expect from coffee shops, as opposed to the more technical geeky espresso making that some home users like to get in to, the S1 Mini Vivaldi represents fantastic value for money.

It's twin sibling, the S1 Vivaldi ii, is a commercial one group espresso machine, and the "mini" Vivaldi only differs by the slightly smaller price tag, smaller steam boiler, and the vibration pump vs the rotary pump.

To be honest, though, if it were me, for the relatively small cost difference, I'd probably consider going for the S1 Vivaldi ii vs the S1 Mini Vivaldi ii, simply because having a machine plumbed in is so much more convenient than filling a water tank, and rotary pumps are quieter. Plus, there's only about a £300 difference.



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